Table of Contents
In this mini-post, we’re going to look at how to easily bypass network detections for Cobalt Strike beacons. Many AV products like Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) have network detection capabilities that monitor traffic passing through a device’s network interface. Additionally IDS and IPS also have basic detections for C2 traffic. These detections are basically looking for specific patterns in network packets.
For popular tools like Cobalt Strike the basic “out-of-the-box” settings for Beacons are fingerprinted by vendors, and therefore going to be detected.
In Cobalt Strike, Malleable profiles are used to define settings for the C2. You have a choice of different protocols for your C2 with HTTP, HTTPS and DNS being three popular ones. HTTP Beacons are easily detectable, due to the payload being unencrypted. For HTTPS connections, detections occur on the certificate used for encryption.
Like with any exploitation tool, if you use the default values it’s likely you’ll be detected. There are Malleable profiles available on GitHub which can be used and these will change your C2 settings from the default. However, these have also been fingerprinted, and will also generate a detection. The profiles available on GitHub are more aimed at testing your detection capability of different APTs and CrimeWare C2s seen in the wild in the past.
The Solution
Luckily Cobalt Strike Malleable C2 profiles are highly customisable. In fact, customisation is one of the reasons why Cobalt Strike is so popular and also so effective. You could write your own profile and there are some guides online that show you how to do this.
However, there is an easier way, C2 Concealer. The tool, created by FortyNorth Security, was released last year and features a Python Script which will generate a C2 Profile based on a few variables defined by the user.
Installation is easy, just clone the GitHub repo, and run the install script.
Once the install is complete, run the script and define a hostname you wish to use.
C2concealer --hostname --variant 1
Next, C2Concealer will scan your host to locate where c2lint is located. C2lint is a tool included with CobaltStrike which is used to test/troubleshoot profiles before they’re used.

Once the scanning is finished, you’ll be asked to choose an SSL option. Using a legit LetsEncrypt cert is obviously going to be the most effective at avoiding detection. However, that requires you to point the A record at your team sever. For the purposes of this, we’ll just use a self-signed cert.

You’ll be asked to fill out some basic information for the cert. It doesn’t matter too much what you put here.
Once it’s complete you should receive confirmation that the profile has passed the c2lint check. The name of the newly created profile will also be displayed.

Next, launch your team server, but this time defining the profile to load.
sudo ./teamserver *Password* ~/C2concealer/C2concealer/34c5a462.profile
Generate a new listener and a new payload of your choice.
Before VS After
Before using our newly created profile, SEP blocked outbound connections to our Cobalt Strike team server. This was when using just the default C2 profile.

However, after using our newly created profile, nothing was blocked and we were able to successfully establish a C2.

And that brings this quick post to an end. I hope you found it useful! You can read a previous post I wrote on Cobalt Strike here.